Wink Inc. Enrolled Agents America’s Tax Experts ®
Wink Tax Services

Certified Acceptance Agent

What is a Certified Acceptance Agent?

A Certified Acceptance Agent is a person or an entity (business or organization) who, pursuant to a written agreement with the IRS, is authorized to assist individuals and other foreign persons who do not qualify for a Social Security Number but who still need a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). A Certified Acceptance Agent can certify original identity documents so that original documents do need to be sent to the IRS in most cases. The Certified Acceptance Agent issues a Certificate of Accuracy (COA) for the submitted documents. Note who cannot issue a Certificate of Accuracy (COA): 1. An Acceptance Agent (AA) cannot issue a Certificate of Accuracy - original documents must still be submitted to the IRS. 2. A Certified Public Accountant (CPA) cannot issue a Certificate of Accuracy - original documents must still be submitted to the IRS. 3. A Enrolled Agent (EA) cannot issue a Certificate of Accuracy - original documents must still be submitted to the IRS. 4. A Notary Public cannot issue a Certificate of Accuracy - original documents must still be submitted to the IRS. Please call us at (248) 816-1220 or 800-276-8319 to set up a free consultation. Or Book Your Consultation here: We service clients worldwide.
Wink Inc. | Enrolled Agents | 2701 Troy Center Dr, Ste 430 | Troy | Michigan | 48084 Tel: 248-816-1220 | 800-276-8319 | Text: 248-800-6013|
Wink Inc. Enrolled Agents America’s Tax Experts ®
Wink Tax Services

Certified Acceptance Agent

What is a Certified Acceptance Agent?

A Certified Acceptance Agent is a person or an entity (business or organization) who, pursuant to a written agreement with the IRS, is authorized to assist individuals and other foreign persons who do not qualify for a Social Security Number but who still need a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). A Certified Acceptance Agent can certify original identity documents so that original documents do need to be sent to the IRS in most cases. The Certified Acceptance Agent issues a Certificate of Accuracy (COA) for the submitted documents. Note who cannot issue a Certificate of Accuracy (COA): 1. An Acceptance Agent (AA) cannot issue a Certificate of Accuracy - original documents must still be submitted to the IRS. 2. A Certified Public Accountant (CPA) cannot issue a Certificate of Accuracy - original documents must still be submitted to the IRS. 3. A Enrolled Agent (EA) cannot issue a Certificate of Accuracy - original documents must still be submitted to the IRS. 4. A Notary Public cannot issue a Certificate of Accuracy - original documents must still be submitted to the IRS. Please call us at (248) 816-1220 or 800-276-8319 to set up a free consultation. Or Book Your Consultation here: We service clients worldwide.
Wink Inc. Enrolled Agents 2701 Troy Center Dr, Ste 430 | Troy | Michigan | 48084 Tel: 248-816-1220 | TF: 800-276-8319 | Text: 248-800-6013 |